Conception Connection
An Online Experience

Let’s fast-track your growth and help you make sense of yourself and your unique family relationships, step by step.

Being donor-conceived is challenging, whether you’ve always known, or you’ve recently found out.

Being donor-conceived is challenging, whether you’ve always known, or you’ve recently found out.

Without a roadmap, the process and its associated feelings can be truly overwhelming. 

This immersive online program was developed for the donor-conceived by the donor-conceived. To bring you a new sense of understanding, clarity, and direction that will help you confidently move forward and navigate the challenges you face as a donor-conceived individual. 

The founder and creator of this program, Dr. Elizabeth Lozano, has both personal and professional experience with the complexities associated with assisted reproduction. She created this course to help guide you to your path of empowerment.

Tell me about the Course…

This is a 4-week intensive online program exclusively designed for those who have discovered that they are a Donor-Conceived Person (DCP) and want to overcome the challenges that come with this unique history.

Note: As of now, this program is not suited for parents, donors, or those who may want to support the donor-conceived (e.g., therapists, family, friends). 

Course Overview

– An intensive and enlightening online experience –

In just 4 weeks, you will Overcome Challenges and Acquire a New Mindset so you can pave your way to a more fulfilling future. So let’s dive in!

Module 1

Mindset Plan

You receive your own personalized MINDSET PLAN that will act as a ‘Best Practice Guide’ in every aspect of your life. You will also learn about tools that will help you overcome any limiting belief that has held you back so far.

  • Create an empowering personal purpose that guides you along this journey.
  • Articulate your personal goals around your physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health.
  • Recognize your ‘inner-saboteurs’ and develop a set of tools to overcome them.
  • Design a daily routine that sets you up for long-term success.
Module 2

Exploration Plan

It’s normal to be curious about your donor-conception. As a result of this powerful module, you will have your EXPLORATION PLAN that will be your compass in this fantastic voyage of exploration and discovery.

  • Learn how your attachment style might contribute to your willingness to incorporate donor-conception into your identity.
  • Overcome any obstacles in identity development or disruptions in sense of self or who constitutes your “family”.
  • Confront the important questions about the donor’s place in your life, such as “What type of relationship do I want with my donor and donor relatives?” and “Who am I in relation to my donor?”.
  • Make sense of your family resemblance so you have a more complete understanding of who you are, with or without the donor’s help!
Module 3

Communication Plan

Do you struggle to communicate your lived experience to your family or others? By the end of this module, you will feel empowered knowing that communication does not have to be stressful, but is a science that you have learnt to tap into and achieve success at will.

  • Tackle the hard conversations, including how to confidently express interest in the donor and rid yourself of family fear.
  • Learn to communicate openly and transparently with everyone in your life about who you are while minimizing rejection concerns
  • Acquire the necessary interaction and interpersonal skills for greater impact/influence for all intended audiences
Module 4

Connection Plan

Now, let’s connect the dots…this module aims to provide you with an incredible sense of clarity on the road ahead. This will lead to you being prepared for anything that comes your way as you evolve in your DC journey.

  • Learn how to integrate donor relationships with existing family ties, if desired
  • Identify any roadblocks or obstacles to future connection
  • Develop clear roles and expectations, in an effort to attain mutual satisfaction
  • Become better equipped to handle conflicts and engage in positive problem solving

Improve Your Mindset. Deepen Your Understanding.  Activate Your Communication. Obtain Clarity.
It is Time to Feel Empowered by Your History and Feel Confident in Sharing it with the world.

Together, we will work to create a better future for our children and our childrens’ children – a world where every conception story matters.